8 Red Flags Of An Internet Affair


A cheating spouse doesn't even need to leave their office chair to carry on an affair. Using the internet to meet, chat, and exchange photos make it easier than ever before to have illicit relationships outside of marriage. Even though these dalliances often start out innocently enough, the relationship can quickly progress to more if both parties are willing. To learn more about the 8 red flags to watch out for with your spouse, read on.

19 July 2016

5 Essential Tasks To Complete Before Divorce


You never wanted the love and passion you had for your spouse to disappear. Unfortunately, it has, and the end of the marriage arrived. If you're preparing to file for a divorce, there are several essential tasks you must check off your list first. Here are five things you must do before your divorce: 1. Consult with a divorce lawyer The absolute first thing you must do is consult with a divorce attorney in your area.

14 April 2016

4 Mistakes To Avoid With A Divorce


Although you have the idea that you will stay with your spouse forever on your wedding day, it does not always happen that way. Whether it is due to infidelity or financial problems, divorce can definitely be a stressful ordeal. However, if you panic and do not manage your anxiety, you could make some major mistakes. Here are four mistakes you need to avoid with a divorce: Dividing Assets Before Creating an Inventory

5 January 2016

How To Place An Ad For Divorce When You Can't Find Your Spouse


If you file for divorce, you hope things run smoothly, and you want matters to stay private. However, your spouse could decide to skip town without notification to avoid the petition. In this case, you have the option of placing an ad for divorce in your local newspaper, often called divorce by publication. Here's how to place an ad for divorce in a newspaper. Make Every Effort to Locate Your Spouse

23 November 2015

3 Mistakes To Avoid In Your Family Law Case


When you get married, you expect it to last for quite some time. The last thing you expect is to find out that your significant other is cheating on you or has filed for divorce. You deserve to be treated with compassion and caring. Trying to overcome the realization that you are about to be on your own can be overwhelming and frustrating. Because of the whirlwind of emotions that you are going through, you end up making mistakes that can cost you your case.

11 November 2015

Getting A Divorce? How You Can Avoid Litigation

Law Blog

Getting a divorce is an extremely stressful time.  However, going to trial, or litigation, can take an already frustrating time to the next level.  Letting a third party (the family court judge) make the decision concerning how your family and assets should be divided can proceed for years, costing you more time and money than necessary.  If you're getting a divorce, use this information to learn more about how you can avoid litigation so you can move on with your life as soon as possible.

26 August 2015

Curb The Divorce Drama: The Etiquette Guide For Facing Your Ex In Court


 Divorcing couples often find themselves at war with one another, and fighting can become the new norm for both parties. If you want to keep your sense of self-respect and avoid making a scene in court, it's vitally important that you treat your soon-to-be ex with respect in court. Here's an etiquette guide for keeping it together in court. Be Sincere Although it can be tempting to make passive-aggressive statements toward a spouse who has been unfair, take the high road.

7 August 2015