4 Mistakes To Avoid With A Divorce


Although you have the idea that you will stay with your spouse forever on your wedding day, it does not always happen that way. Whether it is due to infidelity or financial problems, divorce can definitely be a stressful ordeal. However, if you panic and do not manage your anxiety, you could make some major mistakes. Here are four mistakes you need to avoid with a divorce: Dividing Assets Before Creating an Inventory

5 January 2016

How To Place An Ad For Divorce When You Can't Find Your Spouse


If you file for divorce, you hope things run smoothly, and you want matters to stay private. However, your spouse could decide to skip town without notification to avoid the petition. In this case, you have the option of placing an ad for divorce in your local newspaper, often called divorce by publication. Here's how to place an ad for divorce in a newspaper. Make Every Effort to Locate Your Spouse

23 November 2015

3 Mistakes To Avoid In Your Family Law Case


When you get married, you expect it to last for quite some time. The last thing you expect is to find out that your significant other is cheating on you or has filed for divorce. You deserve to be treated with compassion and caring. Trying to overcome the realization that you are about to be on your own can be overwhelming and frustrating. Because of the whirlwind of emotions that you are going through, you end up making mistakes that can cost you your case.

11 November 2015

Curb The Divorce Drama: The Etiquette Guide For Facing Your Ex In Court


 Divorcing couples often find themselves at war with one another, and fighting can become the new norm for both parties. If you want to keep your sense of self-respect and avoid making a scene in court, it's vitally important that you treat your soon-to-be ex with respect in court. Here's an etiquette guide for keeping it together in court. Be Sincere Although it can be tempting to make passive-aggressive statements toward a spouse who has been unfair, take the high road.

7 August 2015

Can You Get Custody Of A Former Step Child?


Divorcing with kids is hard -- especially when these kids aren't biologically yours. Even if you and your spouse have chosen to part ways, you may not want to sever the relationships that have grown between you and your step children. However, unsure of your rights, you may be reluctant to seek custody of (or even visitation with) your former step children. As a former step parent to minor children, what are your rights?

10 July 2015

5 Things A Judge Considers During A Divorce Before Awarding Custody When One Spouse Was Abusive


If you are going through a divorce, you may be concerned about gaining custody of your child, especially if your spouse was abusive. The judge who will make the final decision concerning the living arrangements of your minor child will consider several points. Here are five things that can affect his or her custody decision: Will your child be well supervised? When determining where the child will primarily reside, the judge will consider the level of supervision that a parent can provide.

29 June 2015

Can A Same-Sex Marriage Be Annulled?


Fans of the Phoenix Mercury women's basketball team were likely shocked when the team's center, Brittney Griner, recently announced she had filed for an annulment of her marriage to Glory Johnson. The move is surprising since the couple wed on May 8 and Johnson announced shortly afterwards that she was pregnant. However, the situation does bring up an interesting question of whether or not it's possible to annul a same-sex marriage.

7 June 2015

4 Household Rules To Establish For A Legal Separation Under The Same Roof


You and your spouse plan to get divorced in the future, but for now, you want to continue living in the same house with a legal separation in place. That legal separation protects both of you financially in various ways, and you've already decided who will pay certain bills. If you're getting along well enough to reside in the same household, you may think the transition to a roommate-style relationship will be an easy one.

18 May 2015

Unhappily Married: What A Lawyer Can Do To Speed Up Your Divorce


Are you in a marriage that has become miserable for both you and your spouse? If you want out of the marriage, you can hire a lawyer to help you get a divorce finalized as quickly as possible. In this article, find out what a lawyer can do to give you a faster divorce so you and your spouse can move on. How Can a Lawyer Make the Divorce Process Faster?

19 March 2015

Is Your Kid Facing A Serious Juvenile Offense?


No parent wants to think about their child calling them from jail or about the authorities coming to their door to report their child is locked up and in big trouble for breaking the law. Most parents facing this kind of trouble with their kids automatically think about how to find the best legal support and representation. Finding a lawyer, such as Andrew H. P. Norton, that you can trust with your child's future is challenging and should never be taken lightly.

25 February 2015